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Our Mission supports families affected by the BCAP31 gene variant, clinicians treating patients, and researchers pursuing treatments by collaboration or funding efforts.


We search to identify anyone affected by, or interested in, the BCAP31 gene variant. We share information about therapies, medications, and assistive technologies that support common symptoms of BCAP31 disorders. We collaborate and share information to move science further. We believe in not reinventing the wheel by sharing data and working as a team.

Our Team

We are just getting this organization off the ground and intend to add more members and a Board of Directors over the coming months as we work on completing registration for 501(c)(3) status. 

Anna Wilson


Anna's son, Alan, was diagnosed with BCAP31-related disorder in May 2020 when he was 16 months old. When Alan was diagnosed, there was very little information available to help us understand what this diagnosis would mean for our family. After connecting with other affected families on Facebook and attending the Global Genes 'Week in Rare' conference in September 2023, she was inspired and empowered to launch to share experiences with BCAP31 gene variants. 


Please note that provides this information for the benefit of people affected by BCAP31 gene variants. is not a medical provider or health care facility and thus can neither diagnose any disease or disorder nor endorse or recommend any specific medical treatments. Patients must rely on the personal and individual medical advice of their qualified health care professionals before seeking any information related to their particular diagnosis, cure or treatment of a condition or disorder.

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